
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sayari Camp

Tuesday, 25th January

We woke up bright and early this morning in time to see the sun rise as we drank our morning tea and coffee.  We were given much too big a breakfast for 7 o’clock in the morning, then set off on a game run at 8 with a young fellow called John as our guide.  Without him we would never have found a lioness with four cubs, or navigated around the tracks and much of the time off the road right to the Kenya border.  He brought tea and coffee along for us to enjoy under the shade of a tree before heading back to the camp after three and a half hours driving around, seeing big herds of zebra, eland and topi, hippos and crocs in the Mara River and a great many hyenas and jackals as well as the lions.  We also saw some klipspringers by the kopje behind the camp as we arrived home at the camp.
Big herds of eland





The landscape from a kopje of the area around the Mara River

Curious lion cubs

Mara Elephant

Crocs in the Mara River

Giraffes coming down to the Mara River to drink.

Oribi are only found in this area of the park.

Tommies and topi
We have spent the heat of the day at camp, sorting and labelling photos, reading and relaxing and being served lunch under the shade of a big acacia tree.  John will return to take us out again around 4:30, but first, I’m going for a swim!

We had a lovely late afternoon game drive with John.  It’s such a beautiful area.  He guided us around and over several kopjes in search of a pride of 22 lions that live near the camp, but we only saw one female.  We did see lots of klipspringers and also lots of oribi, small gazelles which are only found in this area of the Serengeti.  We also saw two different herds of elephants, one of which moved into the camp area and we can hear them, as well as the illusive lions, outside our tent now as we pack and get ready for bed and an early start tomorrow morning!

I think this has been my favourite place so far this trip.  Not only is the camp placed in a beautiful area and comfortable and well run, with delicious food, but Joe and Barbara have been excellent hosts and made us very welcome and been excellent company.

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